Chef-Owner Nicholas Moritz

Compliments of the Chef came out of the sense of calm that I got spending in my kitchen at home. I have been a professional chef for many years, but nothing at work brought me the same joy as cooking at home. Going through my cookbooks, finding what I wanted to make. Working out ways that I could fine-tune it to my personal tastes. I had a tendency to cook in large batches, and a had a rule that I had to finish the first meal I had made before I could make the second one. So, I would package it up and give it to my friends, family and neighbours. They where always happy to have me deliver, but it did get to the point that they insisted on giving me money. 

Compliments of the Chef delivers home-cooked meals for busy people. These days are extraordinarily busy. Work, home, social lives, children and personal commitments all add up. Very quickly you’re at a point where you have no time left. That’s where Compliments of the Chef come in. We deliver restaurant level meals that have been packaged for your convenience.

We are aware that your dollars are valuable, so we’ve tried to come up with a variety of ways to maximise your dinner budget. We bring you a deliciously healthy stew, curry, or pasta sauce, all you have to do is cook the pasta, rice or other accompaniment. This way you’re maximising the bang for your buck!